I'm now lost.
She sweeps across the dark sky and in Her wake, the galaxies, planets, stars, moons, and magic are born. Welcome to her world.
Time. Ages. Transformation. Involuntary change
Temperance is another card of aspiration, but also of much change. It often
represents complex situations. Positively, you can harmonize contrary
Temperance is, on a surface level, about "tempering." The original pouring from cup to cup might have been about cutting wine with water. So this is a card about moderation. There is, however, another angle to the card, that of merging seemingly impossible opposites. Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man into a unique creature. And then there is the bow and arrow, one moving, one stationary, working together to point the way. Temperance may be, at first glance, a warning for you to "temper" your behavior, to cut your wine with water. But it may also be a reminder to that seemingly irreconcilable opposites may not be irreconcilable at all. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet.
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It would make more sense if the life cycle is all backwards.You die first and get it out of the way.You live in a home for the aged, get a silver watch and go to work.You work for 40 years until your'e young enough to party, drink booze and get high.You then become a kid and play all day long with no worries.Become a little baby all cared for by his parents.Then you go back to the womb and spend your last nine months all warm and peaceful until you finish off as an orgasm.