I look at you and I see how fragile you have become. You always stand there by the door, looking out as the sun's reflection bathes your form. I can see your frail body, your hand touching your side feeling that bump growing and gnawing from inside. I know that you are trying your very best to hold on to keep on going to keep living as if everyday is just an ordinary day like the countless years gone by when youth and vigor coursed in your veins.
But tonight you are in pain. You asked me to find a way and try to soothe your aching body. Always hesitant, afraid to even touch the once strong body which is now laid before me weak, thin, skin and bones.
For every time my hand touches you I wish I can take away the pain. Lessen it, take it all away or give my own just for you. For there isn't anything in this world I wouldn't do just to make you better.
White sand, cool breeze, sunny morning, silky cloths, purple-cyan, fresh flowers, flowing dress, white suit, expectant faces, happy smiles, our music filling the air, I look up to see your face, my hand taking yours...
As I touch the most beautiful gift I've ever received.
Does it haunt you at night that no matter what you do no matter what you say no matter what you wear
you will never be me you won't even come close to being like me
you will forever live in the shadow lurking and lost in desperation scrambling for bits and pieces clamoring like a rat in the night isn't it a pathetic life?
but then again, you have always been pathetic as can be.
It's a little sad that I was not able to attend the celebration for this event. I know that it would be a miracle indeed if I can attend the next celebration (which would be around 2108) I am however happy that my dad and my grandfather were able to come. After all, my grandfather was one of the two jubilarians given an award for nearly reaching their 100th year. What else did I miss? Oh yeah, the annual homecoming for my sorority (Sigma Delta Phi) and my dad's fraternity (Upsilon Sigma Phi) I do miss attending that event with my dad. Yes, my dad is my brod too! Although he's way too much my senior! His batch is '65 and mine is '97... so that's a whopping 32 years of seniority.
I actually find it cute that we get to attend such an event every year. We'd leave for Los Banos early in the morning so that we can attend the breakfast by the campus map, meet with the brods and sisses and go to Freedom Park for the morning parade. After that, we'd have our fellowships and enjoy the rest of the day with our brods and sisses. Thinking about it now (as I compute in my head) It's been 11 years since I joined the sorority. It would mean that I am 11 years senior than my new sisters in UP and yet I feel that it wasn't so long ago that we were the juniors all busy and were all over the place trying to remember names, faces and their corresponding batch. God forbid if you weren't able to greet them accordingly. I did learn a lot when I joined my sorority. But I guess it's something one can fully understand and feel when they are a member of one too. I'm just glad that I got invited (yes we are by invitation only) and joined the best sorority in UP.
Did I tell you I joined while I was a freshman? Ooops... I'll just leave that for another post... maybe.