She sweeps across the dark sky and in Her wake, the galaxies, planets, stars, moons, and magic are born. Welcome to her world.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
40 random things...
Torture then kill She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named
2. Never in my life: have I run away from home.
3. When I was five: I almost I got kidnapped.
4. High School was: a blast!
5. I will never forget: my first heartbreak.
6. I once met: a strange old man who told me I will have e-l-e-v-e-n children in the future! Geezuz! What the F*%#K! Eleven?!
7. There's this girl I know who: takes me to the moon and back with the most amazing fireworks show I have ever seen..
8. Once, at a bar: I danced like I’ve never danced before.
9. By noon, I'm usually: at work.
10. Last night: I slept after reading a few pages of a Winterson book.
11. If I only had: enough money and time right now, I’d like to have a trip around the world with my adventurous partner.
12. Next time I go to church: it’s because I am with Janina or her Mom.
13. I am addicted to: shoes, make-up, clothes, bags and books.
14. What worries me most: is being a failure in life.
15. When I turn my head left, I see: my jewelry tree.
16. When I turn my head right, I see: my clothes, bag and shoe closets.
17. You know I'm lying when: I can’t get my story straight. Poooft!
18. Three things I can’t live without: Body Shop’s Lip and Cheek Stain, stilettos, good book.
19. If I was a character in a novel, I'd be: the witch/vampire/temptress villain.
20. By this time next year: I’d be working still!
21. A better name for me would be: Empress Gwen/ Goddess Gwen/ Queen Gwen
22. I have a hard time understanding: MATH! MATH! MATH!
23. If I ever go back to school, I'll: quit being a delinquent brat and come to class!
24. You know I like you if: you’re still alive after we see each other.
25. My ex once: told me we’d spend the rest of our lives together.
26. Body parts you are proud of: breasts, lips, hands.
27. Take my advice, never: lend a good book to anyone unless you’re absolutely sure it would be returned in good condition.
28. My ideal breakfast is: anything that was prepared by my loving partner.
29. A song I love, but do not own is: Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you start your day early to avoid traffic.
31. Smell, character flaw, microchips & movie star: Fresh eucalyptus leaves, selfish, cellular phone, Angelina Jolie
32. Why won't people: respect other people's right to be different?
33. If you spend the night at my house: you’ll surely have dinner prepared by moi.
34. I'd stop my wedding: to wait for my father’s arrival.
35. The world could do without: homophobic ingrates.
36. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: befriending my partner’s former girlfriends.
37. My favorite blonde is: Ellen Degeneres
38. Toe nails are more useful than: Zits!
39. If I do anything well, it's: being a good conversationalist.
40. And by the way: I’m a goddess.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Movie Marathon
Five (5) stars would mean you have got to watch it! weeeee!!!!

Though I still prefer if Victor ended up with Emily instead. I mean, she's way better than the frigid Victoria.
This isn't even worth half a star! Eeeek! But okay, I'll be generous for all those who loved the movie, Deuce Bigalow gets a spot!

Okay I might be a tad biased on this one, but of course I would still recommend the books.
I do.

Denmark introduced the first civil partnership law for same-sex committed couples in 1989.
Two European countries, The Netherlands (since 2001) and Belgium (since 2002), allow same-sex marriage (SSM). That is, committed, same-sex couples can simply marry just as opposite-sex couples can, and thereby gain the same responsibilities, protections, rights, etc for themselves and their children.

Finland: Registered partnerships since 2001.
France: Civil Solidarity Pacts since 1999.
Germany: Partnership registration, since 2001.
Portugal: Partnership rights since 2001.
Spain: Partnership recognition in some states.
Sweden: Registered partnerships since 1994
Switzerland: Registered partnerships since 2005. On 2002-SEP-22, Zurich adults voted 63% to 37% to give same-sex couples the right to marry. This only applies only to the canton of Zurich in Switzerland.
"The rights and responsibilities attached to the different arrangements vary."
"...some states in the US and Australia and provinces in Canada have introduced a form of civil partnership registration."

United States:

2003-JUN: Ontario, Canada: The Ontario Court of Appeal unanimously ruled that same-sex couples can obtain marriage licenses and register their marriages in the province. They obtain full provincial and federal rights.
2003-JUL: British Columbia, Canada: The British Columbia Court of Appeal had ordered implementation of same-sex marriages in the province starting in 2004-JUL-12. On 2003-JUL-08, they issued a supplementary ruling ordering the government to start issuing licenses immediately.
2004-MAR: Québec, Canada: On 2004-MAR-20, the provincial Court of Appeal upheld the Quebec Superior Court's decision to permit SSM. They became available immediately.
Canada: Northwest Territories, Canada: A lawsuit has been initiated to legalize SSM.
Bill C-38 which would allow same-sex couples to marry across Canada, was passed by the House of Commons on 2005-JUN-28. It has been passed on to the Senate.
South Africa: On 2004-NOV-29, the Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that SSM was legal. However, the court suspended its own ruling in order to give the South African government time to modify its marriage legislation.
UK: A new civil partnership law comes into effect on 2005-DEC-05. This gives same-sex couples all of the rights of opposite-sex married couples.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Memoirs of a Geisha

In Golden's richly detailed novel, you learned about the intricate training geishas undergo to become, literally, living works of art. But that's what is lacking in this movie. It only briefly delves into the arcane rituals of "geishahood." For those unfortunate ones who were not able to read the book, the movie would indeed be lacking in most aspects when one wants to understand what it is like to become a geisha.
Let's not forget about the love story. The heroine's knight in shining armor happens to be called Chairman. They met a long time ago when a little Chiyo was sobbing on a footbridge. Prince Charming stopped and offered her some sweets. From then on, Chiyo/Sayuri "loved" the Chairman. But please let's not go there!
It is disappointing because instead of meaning and depth, the movie gave us kimonos, cherry petals and snowflakes as eye candies and nothing more. They failed to convey what was so special about the fragile world of the geisha. It was more fun reading (as always) about how Mameha and Sayuri always outwitting Hatsumomo and Pumpkin throughout the story.
The part I liked the most in the movie was Sayuri's dance in preparation for her mizuage bidding. Yes, a meiko's virginity is highly important and can be auctioned off and be given to the highest bidder. Below is a picture of Sayuri's "moving" dance which caught and impressed everyone (even Hatsumomo).
As the story progressed, in comes the problem -World War II which affected everyone in Japan. Nobody was safe and special contacts were needed in order to survive. Nobu (a wealthy man in love with Sayuri) was the one who saved her from peril and found a place where she can stay until the war was over.
After the war, as people were starting to pick up the pieces again, the geishas resumed their positions once more - beside their men. Sayuri eventually ended up with her beloved Chairman after Nobu decided that he would no longer pursue his love for Sayuri. Again, please let's not dwell on the love story part.All in all, I have always liked the book Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. It is in fact one of my many favorites. This movie however did not give justice to it. In the movie, you always have something to look at — whether its Sayuri's exquisitely painted face or the perfect twirl of a gorgeously flowered umbrella. But the storytelling is soap-opera banal.