It has been
eight months now since I graduated from college and somehow bid Los Banos a teary goodbye. Eight months of living back here in Quezon City. With only occassional visits in LB which most often than lasted for only three days and two nights max. I'm back to the traffic, to the dangerous and suspicious people, to the polluted air, to the hot headed drivers, back to the so-called "civilization." Yes, it has been eight months of missing
UPLB - the place I have come to call home.
I spent eight years of my life in this university. I remember during my first year, I hated so much being sent to study in the Amazonian Jungle that was UPLB. Despised the fact that I had to stay in St.Therese Dormitory which is so famous for the nuns who “take care” of us “inmates” Or that a 9:00pm curfew is implemented (Though of course we still find ways not to follow it until our parents hear from the kind, sweet, little nuns as they
call-collect back home only to tell on us.)
I thought studying in the
mountains would be the end of me so I said goodbye to my dear friends, adios to gimmick, farewell to social life, bid civilization goodbye and adieu to a happy life!
But as time passed, somehow, in some way, little by little the place grew on me. I was not aware of it completely until my stay in the university was counted. I realized that the place I used to hate was now a haven to me. Now that I am no longer a student, no longer living in LB, I always find myself yearning so much to be able to come back home.
One boring day, I tried to put my
I-NEED-TO-GO-TO-LB-MODE aside and decided to fix my shoe closet. As I was trying to figure out how in hell I was supposed to put all of my shoes in a considerable sized cabinet when I found my favorite

It made me realize how many high heeled strap-on sandals and suede boots suffered back in those days that I studied in UPLB. How many stilettos I ruined as pouring rain and scorching heat seemed to have united to wage a war against my beautiful shoes. I remember going back to the dormitory complaining about how the environment was just not appropriate for my beloved shoes - only to have my roommates smile at me as if I was telling them a nice little joke not realizing that I was dead serious and distraught!
But now that I am back here in QC and with my to-die-for red stilettos still in hand, I want nothing else but to wear it and come back home in UPLB. I’d wish and hope against hope that it would rain hard, to have it pouring that I may feel every drop touching my skin, and this time, this time I would dance under the rain with my stilettos on and be glad that I am home once again.